








问:上门保洁怎么收费?答:上门保洁的收费因地区、面积、服务内容、工时等因素而异,一般按照小时计费或面积计费。下面是一些常见的收费标准:1. 按小时计费:不同城市的计费标准不同,一般在50元-100元/小时不等。更高级的服务项目可能会更贵。如需要专业清洗固体、地毯或高端家电,则需要另外收费。2. 按面积计费:按照每平方米收费的价格不同,一般在10元-30元之间。服务内容包括整洁厨房、卫生间、卧室、客厅、窗户等区域。3. 固定包月服务:如果你需要频繁使用上门保洁服务,可以考虑预订固定包月服务,这样一般都有优惠,和一定的服务保证。当然,上门保洁收费可能因各种原因发生变化,例如:家居面积超出了合同规定、家里比较脏、次数多等等。问:上门保洁的费用中是否包括清洁用品的费用?答:部分上门保洁服务商将清洁工具、消毒药水、拖布、清洁布等收费在内,而有些则需另行收费,但也有一些服务商需要客户提供清洁用品。具体可以在预约时与服务商进行确认。问:上门保洁有哪些服务内容?答:上门保洁通常都会提供以下服务内容:1. 扫地、擦地、拖地、除尘:这是家庭清洁的基本服务,确保您的家居环境清洁。2. 卫生间清洁:包括洗手盆、厕所、淋浴区和地面的清洁。3. 厨房清洁:包括炉灶、冰箱、橱柜、地面等的清洁。4. 卧室清洁:包括床单、枕头、地面等的清洁。5. 窗户清洁:专业窗户清洁器具,可以轻松地处理各种类型的窗户。根据不同的服务商,还可能提供更多的服务。选择一家好的服务商可以让您省时、省力,让您的生活变得更加美好。

【英文介绍/For English】:

Some people choose to clean by themselves, because they will be more careful and detailed, but some people will choose to find a home cleaning company to help, after all, cleaning companies are more professional. This time, I will introduce to you how to charge for door-to-door cleaning. Come and see.

For comprehensive sanitation, the fee is based on the construction area of ​​​​about 90 cents. The cleaning scope includes: kitchen, bathroom, doors and windows, furniture, and floors.

Carpet cleaning charges: the price of door-to-door carpet cleaning starts at 200 yuan, ordinary chemical fiber carpets are 1.5 to 2 yuan per square meter, and pure wool carpet cleaning prices are generally around 2 yuan per square meter.

The cleaning of the old outer wall of ordinary tiles on the outer wall is generally 2 to 3 yuan per square meter, and the price fluctuates appropriately with the difficulty of cleaning, such as suspension, the height of the outer wall, etc.

The cleaning price of aluminum composite panel exterior wall is generally 2 to 2.5 yuan per square meter, and the cleaning price of glass curtain wall is generally 2 to 3 yuan per square meter.

2024-09-26 14:48 点击量:14